Wk. 39/2007: Submitting jobs for parallel execution
Wk. 37/2007: IBM mainframe abbreviations
Wk. 35/2007: ISPF EDIT command COMP (compare)
Wk. 33/2007: Segmented tablespaces
Wk. 31/2007: A simple calculator
Wk. 27/2007: The difference between correlated and noncorrelated subselects
Wk. 25/2007: Execution of TSO batch programs
Wk. 23/2007: OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS in SQL statements
Wk. 21/2007: TSO commands in COBOL and PL/1
Wk. 19/2007: A trip with FTP
Wk. 17/2007: SQL function VALUE (COALESCE)
Wk. 14/2007: Comparisons in REXX
Wk. 12/2007: Optimizing your OUTER JOINS
Wk. 10/2007: Your own TSO command processor
Wk. 08/2007: Using EXISTS in SQL
Wk. 06/2007: More about deleting datasets
Wk. 04/2007: ISPF EDIT commands COPY, CREATE and REPLACE
Wk. 02/2007: Minimising the timeout risk when performing a DB2 INSERT
Wk. 51/2006: Variable DD names in PL/1
Wk. 49/2006: Reasonable use of ISPF KEYLIST
Wk. 47/2006: Validation using a DB2 trigger
Wk. 45/2006: Messages from ISPF services
Wk. 43/2006: Correlated subselects for versioning
Wk. 41/2006: Faster EDIT macroes
Wk. 39/2006: Assignment of DCB informations in PL/1
Wk. 37/2006: Problems using newcopy in CICS
Wk. 35/2006: Names of DB2 subsystems using data sharing
Wk. 33/2006: Dataset delete
Wk. 31/2006: Reuse of a DB2 image copy
Wk. 27/2006: TRANSMIT and RECEIVE of PO datasets
Wk. 25/2006: Smarter global temporary tables in DB2
Wk. 23/2006: Enlargement of a concatenation with one more dataset
Wk. 21/2006: Avoid SAVE of data in ISPF EDIT
Wk. 19/2006: The LIBDEF function in ISPF
Wk. 17/2006: Calling LOAD modules from REXX
Wk. 15/2006: Spaces in SQL
Wk. 13/2006: Record splitting using SORT
Wk. 11/2006: Informations in HSM
Wk. 09/2006: SQL statements with joins, GROUP BY and HAVING
Wk. 07/2006: More SMS compression
Wk. 05/2006: Generic searches in ISPF
Wk. 03/2006: Join of columns with different definitions
Wk. 01/2006: Please help me out of this
Wk. 50/2005: The TRANSLATE function in REXX and PL/1
Wk. 48/2005: Calling CICS programs from batch or TSO
Wk. 46/2005: Testing return codes in batch TSO
Wk. 42/2005: A job step that always gets executed
Wk. 40/2005: Who is using my MQ queue
Wk. 38/2005: Global temporary tables in DB2
Wk. 36/2005: Start BookManager using your own bookshelf
Wk. 34/2005: Dataset copying using ISPF
Wk. 29/2005: IBM mainframe wildcards
Wk. 25/2005: Making your own HSM backup
Wk. 23/2005: Adjusting Dataset List defaults
Wk. 21/2005: The FIND ALL command
Wk. 19/2005: The HSM command TSO HSEND Q ACT
Wk. 17/2005: Making your own enqueue/dequeue mechanism in DB2
Wk. 15/2005: Writing to a local queue on another MQ subsystem
Wk. 12/2005: Optimizing the SELECT list in SQL statements
Wk. 10/2005: Controlling your COBOL modules using DD cards
Wk. 08/2005: Making less MQ remote queue definitions
Wk. 06/2005: Remove leading blanks using PL/1
Wk. 04/2005: CICS In-Storage tables
Wk. 02/2005: Making your MQ definitions in batch
Wk. 52/2004: IN lists in SQL statements
Wk. 50/2004: ISPF EDIT command HEX
Wk. 48/2004: Accessing main storage with PL/1
Wk. 46/2004: Line commands for ISPF Edit macros
Wk. 44/2004: Object oriented PL/1
Wk. 42/2004: SELECT * FROM table
Wk. 40/2004: DISTINCT used with UNION or UNION ALL
Wk. 38/2004: Using SYSOUT=* to display dataset contens
Wk. 36/2004: CURRENT SQLID
Wk. 34/2004: Install of CICS definitions without using CEDA
Wk. 32/2004: User friendly BookManager
Wk. 28/2004: Returning bad SQLCODE when SELECTing zero rows
Wk. 26/2004: Dynamic call of programs from PL/1
Wk. 24/2004: Fallback of DB2 plans/packages
Wk. 22/2004: The OPC RECOVER function
Wk. 20/2004: WORK datasets for ISPF
Wk. 18/2004: Selfdocumenting REXX programs
Wk. 16/2004: SMS dataset compression
Wk. 14/2004: The DISCARD option on DB2 REORG
Wk. 12/2004: The ISPF EDIT command BNDS
Wk. 10/2004: The TSO command PROFILE
Wk. 08/2004: Dirty reads in SQL statements
Wk. 05/2004: Command SE in SDSF and JCL parameter SCHENV
Wk. 03/2004: Executing DFSORT using the DSN processor
Wk. 52/2003: Deleting all rows in a DB2 table
Wk. 50/2003: Issuing ISPF messages from REXX
Wk. 48/2003: The order of predicates in SQL
Wk. 46/2003: Hypertext with ISPF Edit/View
Wk. 44/2003: Deletion of members
Wk. 42/2003: Index-screening in DB2
Wk. 40/2003: Changing data using File-Aid/Batch
Wk. 38/2003: Executing other SQL statements than SELECT using DSNTIAUL
Wk. 36/2003: Changing your data using DFSORT
Wk. 34/2003: Speeding up deletion of rows in DB2 tables
Wk. 32/2003: Read any file using PL/1
Wk. 29/2003: Row level locking in DB2
Wk. 27/2003: Trapping of screen output from TSO commands
Wk. 25/2003: Allocation of DB2-spaces
Wk. 23/2003: Using % in front of TSO commands
Wk. 21/2003: Showing the contens of an ISPF-table
Wk. 19/2003: Disabling Abend-Aid in batch
Wk. 16/2003: Optimization of calls to VAG from COBOL programs
Wk. 14/2003: Finding rows in DB2 table with the same key
Wk. 12/2003: Concatenation on DD *
Wk. 10/2003: DB2 trace facilities: DSN-command and CAF
Wk. 08/2003: Asynchronous tasks in CICS: DELAY
Wk. 06/2003: Asynchronous tasks in CICS: START and CANCEL
Wk. 04/2003: ISPF EDIT labels .ZF and .ZL
Wk. 02/2003: Display Active (DA) in SDSF of many MVS-systems
Wk. 50/2002: Communicate with another CICS from your CICS
Wk. 48/2002: Cheating the DB2-optimizer with an IN-list
Wk. 46/2002: Special validations in ISPF panels
Wk. 44/2002: DB2 CAF interface
Wk. 42/2002: Names for variables in REXX
Wk. 40/2002: Errorhandling in CICS
Wk. 36/2002: Dynamic allocation of REXX-libraries
Wk. 34/2002: Generating ready-to-use SYSIN with DB2
Wk. 32/2002: Using ? in DB2 SQL EXPLAIN statements
Wk. 28/2002: Copying the same line to different places with ISPF EDIT
Wk. 26/2002: ISPF log dataset
Wk. 24/2002: Accessing main storage with COBOL
Wk. 22/2002: Restore of HSM backups
Wk. 20/2002: A fast DB2 reorg
Wk. 18/2002: CICS-programs in status REQ
Wk. 16/2002: The ISPF command RETP
Wk. 13/2002: Setting return code to 0 in TSO batch
Wk. 11/2002: GROUP BY on expressions in SQL
Wk. 09/2002: Who is using my dataset
Wk. 07/2002: The SQL CASE expression
Wk. 05/2002: Finding informations about COBOL abends
Wk. 03/2002: Browse and Edit of DB2 tables
Wk. 52/2001: Giving other users access to your datasets
Wk. 50/2001: The PROJECT, GROUP and TYPE fields in ISPF
Wk. 48/2001: Making your own bookshelf in BookManager
Wk. 46/2001: An ISPF-command trick
Wk. 44/2001: The table with exactly one row
Wk. 42/2001: Internal tables in REXX
Wk. 40/2001: Establishing the existance of a row using SQL
Wk. 38/2001: The MAX-RC column in SDSF
Wk. 36/2001: The CUT-function in the 3270-emulator
Wk. 34/2001: Crossreferences between DB2-tables and programs
Wk. 32/2001: Syncronizing jobs with DISP=OLD
Wk. 28/2001: UNLOAD your DB2-data with DSNTIAUL
Wk. 26/2001: LOAD module timestamp
Wk. 24/2001: ISPF tool ISRDDN with enqueues
Wk. 22/2001: Easy copying of datasets
Wk. 20/2001: Finding data inconsistency using SQL
Wk. 18/2001: Some useful SDSF commands
Wk. 15/2001: When a dataset runs out of space
Wk. 13/2001: Useful RACF commands
Wk. 11/2001: TSO command HQ
Wk. 09/2001: ISPF View command REPLACE
Wk. 07/2001: Conversion of CHAR and VARCHAR to DECIMAL using SQL
Wk. 05/2001: Use of SPACE parameter with existing datasets
Wk. 03/2001: ISPF Edit line-commands L and F
Wk. 01/2001: ISPF Edit macro ONLY
nice one
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