Monday, August 23, 2010

Precompiler+Bind+Plans + DBRMS + Packages + Collections + Versions = Confusion

Collection Ideas

said that a COLLECTION is simply a way of grouping PACKAGEs into meaningful (for you) groups. You could use COLLECTIONs to separate programs for different application areas, such as payroll and inventory. Another use might be to separate programs bound with ISOLATION UR from programs bound with ISOLATION CS. COLLECTIONs are simply high-level grouping names to designate that this group of packages share something, anything, in common.

COLLECTIONs enable you to organize your PACKAGEs into like-kind groups. In DB2's younger days, with multiple DBRMs being bound into PLANs, all the DBRMs in a single PLAN had to be bound with the same BIND parameters. However, today you can BIND each PACKAGE into a COLLECTION that has a customized set of BIND parameters associated with it. An example would be to ISOLATE all programs using REOPT(VARS) in one COLLECTION and all programs using OPTHINT in another. DEGREE(ANY) is another BIND parameter that you may want to be a bit more vigilant in monitoring. An easy way of keeping an eye on programs (or children) is to put them in a room together. In other words, BIND parameters are much more granular today than they were when DB2 was young.

With the advent of BIND PACKAGE and the one-to-one relationship of a program to a package, we were given the ability to name the high-level qualifier for the tables accessed by the program. Therefore, the DBRM for one program could be bound into two different COLLECTIONs. The DBRM for program ABC123 could be bound into a COLLECTION called colcorp01, using corp01 as the table high-level qualifier. The same DBRM could be bound into a COLLECTION called colcorp02, using corp02 as the high-level qualifier. Or, you could BIND the same DBRM into colstress to run it against stress test tables and BIND it into colstress to run against regular test tables. Or, you could BIND a DBRM into a COLLECTION called colur to use when you access read-only decision support tables using ISOLATION UR and into a COLLECTION called colcs when you use active production data. There are dozens of examples. Just use your imagination.

So, at runtime, whichever approach you chose, you now have a PACKAGE with the exact same tattoo/timestamp/consistency-token in two different COLLECTIONs. How do you tell DB2 in which collection to search for Danny? Normally, DB2 would search through all of the COLLECTIONs in the named PLAN. But, if you want to search only one COLLECTION, you simply tell DB2 in your program. You can specify which COLLECTION to search by using an SQL statement called SET CURRENT PACKAGESET. PACKAGESET is simply a synonym for COLLECTION. Therefore, if you set the current PACKAGESET to colcorp01, you will access corp01's tables. If you set the current PACKAGESET to colcorp02, you will access corp02's tables. And the beauty of this is that you only have to maintain one program.


Suppose program A is changed and moved back into production. Before the program was changed it ran in 10 minutes and never bothered anyone. After the change, all the other programs running at the same time are experiencing -911    timeouts. How do you fall back gracefully and rapidly to the prior version of the program?

At precompile time you can specify a VERSION ID. If the VERSION ID is the same as the current version, BIND will overlay the PACKAGE in its COLLECTION. But, if the VERSION ID is different from the current VERSION ID, BINDing the DBRM will produce a new PACKAGE that won't overlay the prior PACKAGE for the program. You'll have two PACKAGEs for the same program in the same COLLECTION. If you also move the current LOAD module with its old tattoo timestamp into a different loadlib (COBOL.BACKUP), the compile will not overlay it. Then, when you compile the modified source code, you'll have a LOAD module with the new tattoo/timestamp in the current loadlib. If you execute the new LOAD module, you'll find the new PACKAGE. If the system suffers, you can cancel the job and move the old LOAD module back into production simply by pointing to COBOL.BACKUP.


There are too many other nuances and possibilities to mention; however, one feature that may be useful is the ability to copy a package from one collection to another. If the statistics on your table vary greatly from daytime to evening or beginning of the month to end of the month, you can BIND a PACKAGE in a COLLECTION called colday or colbegin when the statistics in the CATALOG are representative of your daytime or beginning of the month table. You can then COPY that PACKAGE into another COLLECTION called colnight or colend when the statistics in the CATALOG are representative of your nighttime or end of the month table. COPY does a REBIND and uses the DBRM in the CATALOG as its input. Therefore, the tattoo/timestamp doesn't change. If you check the time of day or the day of month at the beginning of the program, you can SET CURRENT PACKAGESET to the appropriate COLLECTION for DB2 to search for Danny.


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